Dear Replicant
This year our Xmas meal is right bang in the centre of town, which makes it VERY easy for Public Transport.

It’s the fantastic East Thai Restaurant on Drury Lane, where we went for a social evening in March!


6:00pm – Meet for Drinks at the White Heart Drury Lane. It’s rear bar is usually quiet and should be perfect for us to take over, Your Glorious Leader ® will reserve it exclusively for our use.

6:45pm – We can all stagger/wobble/crawl/walk to the Restaurant for our 7pm booking! Simple.

8:45pm – Post meal drinks somewhere close like The Hoxton Holborn or back to The White Heart.

1:15am – Drunkenly sing songs in praise of Your Glorious Leader ®, who will modestly accept.


Only 20 places available Please bring cash Bookclub members can bring up to +2 guests There is a £6 RSVP deposit per place (including guests) and please note that most about half of this will be spent on things for the party. Those unable to share food and therefore the Bill for any reason (such as being Extra Solar [Vegan] or others) should RSVP normally and are responsible for paying their bill separately. Your Glorious Leader ® has personally sampled the food at this venue and it gets his DoubleTriplePlusGood rating After our meal there may optionally be more late night cavorting. This is optional 😉 Reading fantasy is ReadCrime The White Hart
191 Drury Ln London
London WC2B 5QD
020 7242 2317


Google Info Page (https://plus.google.com/114939919692978282682/about?gl=uk&hl=en)

East Thai
176 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5QF
020 7405 5551


eastthai-london.co.uk (http://maps.google.com/local_url?dq=&q=http://www.eastthai-london.co.uk/&oi=miw&sa=X&ct=miw_link&cd=1&cad=homepage,cid:7257498854838106847&ei=eAsCU_uQDojf8APilIHgAQ&s=ANYYN7l3vg67bF5JvE_qyu5eKCRuHH3Sog)‎

MENU CAN BE SEEN HERE – Acrobat (http://legacy.ybsitecenter.com/multi-images/uk/legacy/var/ar/34801/450505-Dinner_By_Aam.pdf)

Google Info Page (http://maps.google.com/local_url?dq=&q=https://plus.google.com/107294548949461767025/about%3Fgl%3Duk%26hl%3Den&s=ANYYN7lWF0CZHyK5ymKsK-dQupN2SZXeeg&dtab=2)

Just remember East Thai claim “We never disappoint anyone”!

Please note: This event is only available to members who have attended one or more book club book discussions.


Sat, 13th December 2014    
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm


East Thai
East Thai 176 Drury Lane, London, WC2B 5QF


18:30 - 19:00 Doors open
19:00 - 20:30 Book discussion starts
20:30 - 21:15 Break time
21:15 - 23:00 Relaxed book discussion and social
All times are (very) approximate
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