FILM NIGHT – Lars von Trier’s Melancholia

Those into seeing a Science Fiction film at the Arthouse end of the spectrum are invited to see Lars Von Trier’s Melancholia.

The plan is to have gastronomic experience together then watch this noncey Arthouse Science Fiction film, pontificate endlessly as to the inner rages of the directors troubled psyche and maybe even debate the hidden meta-textures implicit in his vertiginous celluloid work.

The rest of us can have dinner, watch a film and go down the pub afterwards.


Very close to the Polka Theatre is the family owned Thai restaurant [ Chang Thai (], where the husband and wife team of Jitsada and Sandy have quietly been raising their new family and making a name for themselves producing what is arguably the best Thai food in the area. Yum!

Please note: The £5 RSVP charge is a deposit for your restaurant place. Please add an additional £5 for each guest you plan to bring along. As its a family owned restaurant & as we don’t want to mess them around; so unless arranged with the management of the restaurant and the organiser, the bill for food will be evenly split between all those attending. And to avoid WineMonsters© inflating to the bill, members can get their own drinks.


this film maker has a reputation for producing difficult, emotionally damaging and challenging to watch films. Your Glorious Leader ® takes no responsibility for any emotional trauma you may suffer. Lars Von Trier the director of Dancer in the dark, Dogville and the Antichrist comes Melancholia. An examination of how a profoundly depressed person, and her immediate family, deal with the end of the world when a previously unknown planet is on a collision course with earth.

The film premièred in May 2011 at the 64th Cannes Film Festival, where its press conference gained notoriety when the director made jokes about Hitler and Nazis, which eventually led to the festival declare him “persona non grata”.

Dunst received the Cannes Film Festival’s Best Actress Award for her performance.

HMVcurzon Booking Link

Is it me or does the music in this trailer
sound a little like the incidental music
in Space 1999’s first season?


Location to be confirmed. Suggestions are welcome by reply.

The Plan

All times are approximate until the cinema formally release their film schedule

4.00pm – Meet for a relaxed dinner at Chang Thai

6.10pm – Film program starts in the HMVCurzon

6.25pm – The actual Film starts in the HMVCurzon

8.30pm – Film ends, head to our bar of choice for some drinks

Please note

Places to this event are only available to Science Fiction Bookclub members who have attended one or more Bookclub events prior to this event. Other RSVPing for this will loose their place and have their RSVP dues considered as a donation to the running of the group. Caveat emptor.


Sat, 1st October 2011    
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Chang Thai Restaurant
136 Merton Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1EH


18:30 - 19:00 Doors open
19:00 - 20:30 Book discussion starts
20:30 - 21:15 Break time
21:15 - 23:00 Relaxed book discussion and social
All times are (very) approximate
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